National Honor Society Apollo Chapter
2021-2022 Handbook
Students interested in becoming a member of the Apollo Chapter of the National Honor Society should stop by Room 117 and pick up an application and return it by the due date (October 8, 2021) in a sealed envelope. Standards of membership in the Lenoir City High School Apollo Chapter of the National Honor Society must conform to the general features as laid down by the National Constitution and in all cases must be approved by the principal of the high school. Specific membership requirements are: 1. The candidate must be a sophomore, junior, or senior. 2.The candidate shall exemplify the following criteria:
3.A candidate must maintain a 3.0 UNWEIGHTED grade point average. GPA does not round. 4.Each applicant must have taken a minimum of two honors, CP, academic dual enrollment, or advanced placement (AP) or courses during the previous school year and be enrolled in the same for the current school year. If you have questions whether a course qualifies please see Mrs. Bickerstaff. 5.A candidate must have approval of his/her Assistant Principal and not have any referrals or infractions. 6.Candidates must maintain good conduct as well. (A candidate must provide three teacher recommendations–two of which must be A CORE TEACHER from the current school year, the other must be from a teacher within the last two school years. Additional recommendations (above the required 3) may also be submitted from a coach or employer. 7. A candidate must have the approval of 3 out of his/her 5 teachers (or previous teachers at LCHS) to be considered for membership. 8. A candidate must be willing to pledge and earn a minimum of 5 hours of community service per semester. 9. Attendance to all meetings is mandatory unless advisor gives prior approval to the absence.